Relationship Coaching

“recently we had been having many issues and disagreements because of all of our difference. We started to quarrel for silly things and didn't understand what working as a team meant…today we are working very well and harmoniously”

- Alejandra Correa

Would you like to recover the love and passion in your relationship?

At Sunshine Life Coaching and Hypnosis we can help you to recover passion and communication in your marriage and make your relationship better than ever.

We will help you to uncover and overcome the emotional barriers that might be stopping you from having an intimate, open, passionate and communicative relationship.

Our special program for couples has 4 steps (10 weeks)

1) Healing old emotional pain - With the use of NLP, compartmental techniques and hypnosis I will help you to leave the past in the past.

2) Forgiveness and trust- To forgive each other is a must before we rebuild the passion and work on creating a future. After working on this area, you will be able to appreciate your partner’s virtues again.

3) Rebuild the passion - We will use NLP, and hypnosis to bring those nice feelings you used to have in the past back to the present. We will also anchor those feelings with your partners touch, voice, smell and presence.

4) Closure - prepare you for the next steps and future challenges in the relationship. This step can vary widely from couple to couple