Hypnosis and

Coaching to improve self esteem and self confidence


“Estela not only helped me overcome my anxiety, she helped me gain my life back. I gained my confidence back, my strength, and my feeling of self worth. She brought me back to life and helped me overcome my insecurities“

- Leslie Luongo (Business-woman)


Do you notice that you often find yourself searching for something to make you feel good about yourself? Or maybe you just don’t feel worthy, and this is affecting you in your personal or professional life?

Maybe all you need is a boost of confidence.

With Hypnosis, Life Coaching techniques, and NLP we can give you a charge of confidence to get you to feel more comfortable with yourself, around others, and while facing life’s challenges.

Having confidence in yourself is something that can be learned, and we can help you with that.

Hypnosis can help you build self-esteem by accessing your subconscious mind so that your negative thoughts can be replaced with beneficial ones that will support your desires to become secure.

At Sunshine Life Coaching and Hypnosis, we will work one-on-one with you to help you overcome self esteem, confidence issues or feelings of insecurity.

What’s even better is that all of this change happens effortlessly and at a subconscious level, your willingness to change is all we need.